- Absolute Measurement - a unit of measurement that is expressed in finite terms and cannot be altered based on the measurement of any other object.
- Relative Measurement - a unit of measurement that have no prescribed, absolute size and change based on the measurements of other factors relative to it.
- Points - The unit of measurement used to measure the type size of a font. 1 point = 1/72 inch = 1/12 pica
- X-height - The key reference relative measurement of a typeface described as the hight of the letter "x."
- Em - A relative unit of measurement used in typesetting to define basic spacing function. The em describes the horizontal space in which a character is set and changes based on the point size. 1 em = 2 ens = 3 hyphens
- Dashes - Short horizontal rules that serve various specific functions such as em rules, en rules, and hyphens.
-Hyphen - 1/3rd em rule. Used to link word.
-En dash - 1/2 em rule. Used to separate page numbers, dates and to replace the word 'to.'
-Em dash - 1 em rule. Used to form lies and house nested clauses.
- Paragraph Alignment - The position of type within a text block, in both horizontal and vertical planes.
-Justification - An alignment that spaces words out evenly in a line, giving irregular spacing from line to line.
-Flush Left - An alignment that places text tight on the left margin and leaves the right margin ragged and choppy.
-Flush Right - An alignment that places the text tight on the right margin and leave the left margin ragged and choppy.
- Letterspacing - Addition of space between letterforms to open up text.
- Kearning - The removal of space between characters to close the text up tight.
- Tracking - A value of a text block that adjusts the space between characters.
- Wordspacing - Adjusts the space between words.
- Widow- A single word that starts its own new line at the end of a paragraph.
- Oprhan - A single word that starts its own new column or page at the end of a paragraph.
- Hypho - A hyphenated widow that leaves half a word on a line.
- Leading - The space between lines of text in a text block, measured in points.
- Indent - An instance were some or all of the text lines in a paragraph are moved in from teh margin by a specified amount.
-First Line Indent - Text indented from the left margin in the first line of the second and subsequent paragraphs.
-Hanging Indent - An indentation from the left or right margin, which affects the second and subsequent lines of a text block.
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